02 September 2007

your journey

What’s on your mind?

The alastair blog has been up for nearly a month now, so please talk back! You can comment on a particular entry, or in a more general way about your experience with children. Ask me questions, as that gives me an idea of what readers are wondering and thinking about. If you prefer to email me directly, that’s fine. We who work with children are not alone in our journey.

Have you experienced the differences in a child’s way of thinking? Have you found certain ways of speaking and acting that seem to reach the child’s perspective? Are certain behaviors inexplicable to you?

Have any of my approaches inspired you or helped you? Which ones? Have any of them fallen flat? Why do you think that happened?

Here are some topics suggested by a reader that I plan to address in upcoming entries:

: how to encourage quiet time with an excitable child
: how to break a cycle of a child resisting meals
: how to stop a child from climbing up on the counter!

If you have some thoughts, write them now. You’ll never find more time later. (Unless your life is much more predictable than mine.)

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